POAP Beacons enhance the POAP collecting experience for attendees at your IRL event. Collectors can simply tap the POAP Beacon with their phones to mint a POAP.

POAP Beacons have an embedded NFC chip (developed by IYK), allowing you to load and manage different POAP drops through a dashboard, and choose which POAP Drop should be active during your event.

POAP BEACON Logo (2) (1).png

POAP NFC Beacon @ The Graph (1).jpg

POAP Beacon price: $250 + shipping

Product availability: In stock (shipping ~5 business days)


<aside> <img src="https://prod-files-secure.s3.us-west-2.amazonaws.com/12ad7e6b-4bc0-4172-968d-f6567bafd177/89bdb43c-ec0a-49a2-a922-11efa61589b5/New_Project_(30).png" alt="https://prod-files-secure.s3.us-west-2.amazonaws.com/12ad7e6b-4bc0-4172-968d-f6567bafd177/89bdb43c-ec0a-49a2-a922-11efa61589b5/New_Project_(30).png" width="40px" /> Contact: [email protected]


Custom-branded POAP Beacons

Different companies now have their own custom-branded POAP Beacons, which they can use at their events or at their booths at conferences. Together with the POAP design team, we’ll work with your team to choose the proper color and the best call to action.




Custom-branded POAP Beacon price: $250 + shipping

Minimum purchase order: 5

Product availability: ~3 weeks production + ~5 business days for shipping

<aside> <img src="https://prod-files-secure.s3.us-west-2.amazonaws.com/12ad7e6b-4bc0-4172-968d-f6567bafd177/89bdb43c-ec0a-49a2-a922-11efa61589b5/New_Project_(30).png" alt="https://prod-files-secure.s3.us-west-2.amazonaws.com/12ad7e6b-4bc0-4172-968d-f6567bafd177/89bdb43c-ec0a-49a2-a922-11efa61589b5/New_Project_(30).png" width="40px" /> Contact: [email protected]


Useful links:

Create your POAP Drop through our Drops portal: https://drops.poap.xyz/

How to properly tap a POAP Beacon: Tapping your IYK item