About POAP Fun

POAP Fun is a raffle experience that gives anyone the ability to create raffles and give out prizes to POAP collectors!

POAP Fun uses a lucky number draw mechanism that ensures fairness in every draw. Each ticket # is checked against the lucky number at a given position until there’s only one match. Every ticket # represents a POAP token ID, and the lucky number is the last number of the gas usage of the latest Ethereum block.

How to Use POAP Fun

Before You Start

Before creating your POAP Fun raffle, you’ll want to:

  1. Make a list of POAP Drops whose collectors you’d like to participate in your raffle
  2. Decide when (exactly OR roughly) you intend to host the raffle
  3. Decide whether you will host it live (IRL or virtually) or asynchronously
  4. Plan some prizes for your raffle participants
    1. Prepare prize photos if you’d like participants to see them
  5. Consider how you’d like to distribute your prizes
    1. What sort of contact information will you need in order to distribute?

Creating a Raffle

  1. Go to poap.fun, and log in with an approved email address. You’ll receive a special sign in link via email

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  2. Go to your dashboard (poap.fun/admin) and click “create a new raffle” to create your raffle

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  3. Fill out the key details of your raffle:

    1. Title: give your raffle a fun name that indicates what it’s about and who it’s for

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    2. Description: let your participants know a bit more about the purpose of the raffle

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    3. Raffle draw time: specify whether you’d like a predefined or manual start.

      1. A predefined start will trigger the raffle kickoff at a predefined date and time.

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        Note: if you select a predefined start, you will have the option to start the raffle manually before scheduled time

      2. A manual start will allow you to tell raffle participants roughly when you think it will start, and then trigger the raffle start manually from the admin panel

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    4. Eligible POAPs: select the POAPs whose holders you’d like to be able to join the raffle. You can select up to 100.

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    5. Prizes: write a brief description of each prize in order of distribution (1st, 2nd, 3rd, etc.) - you can reorder the placement as needed.

      1. Optional: include an image of the prize up for distribution so participants know what to expect!

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    6. Contact: check the “require emails” box if you would like raffle participants to enter an email address before joining the raffle.

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      1. Note #1: raffle participants do not need to connect a wallet to join the raffle regardless of your selection here. However, winners are given the ability to sign a message to confirm their email corresponds to the winning wallet so you as an organizer know your prize is going to the right recipient.
      2. Note #2: if you would like to automatically add all POAP holders as participants yourself, rather than waiting for them to join, leave this box unchecked. You will then be able to select an “add all participants” button in the admin panel prior to the draw.
    7. Conditions: check the “agree to terms and conditions” box to confirm that you agree to the terms and conditions of using the POAP Fun product as stated below.

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  4. You can edit your raffle until it’s started. Make sure your raffle details are finalized before starting the raffle!

  5. You can add additional editors through the admin panel once the raffle has been created.

Kicking Off Your Raffle

  1. From the admin panel, share the raffle link with participants and spectators. This is where they can join and/or watch the live draw.

  2. If you’d like to add your participants automatically, click the “add all participants button” to populate your raffle with all eligible holder’s tickets.

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